DENPASAR – Spectacular. That’s the right word to describe the 2022 Technology Festival or FASTTEKNO event. Unmitigated, the participants reached 451 people, who came from seven provinces in Indonesia. FASTTEKNO 2022 was officially opened by the supervisor of the Widya Dharma Shanti Denpasar Foundation (WDS Denpasar Foundation) Prof. Dr. I Made Bandem, MA accompanied by the Chancellor of ITB STIKOM Bali, Dr. Dadang Hermawan, Secretary of WDS Foundation Denpasar Lilis Yuningsih, SH. MM.Kom, Vice Chancellor III I Made Bachelor, SE, MM, Dean of the Faculty of Informatics and Computers Dian Pramana, S.Kom, M.Kom, Head of Student Affairs I Gusti Ngurah Wikranta Arsa, S.Kom, M.Cs, ITB STIKOM Coordinator Bali Campus Jimbaran I Wayan Gede Narayana, S.Kom, M.Kom, and Director of Resources I Gusti Ngurah Nyoman Bagiarta, SE, M.Kom and Head of Academic Erma Sulistyo Rini, SE, MM.Kom.

FASTTEKNO which is an annual agenda held by the Student Executive Board (BEM) ITB STIKOM Bali at the ITB STIKOM Bali Campus. Because it is still in the atmosphere of the Covid-19 pandemic, FASTTEKNO 2022 is packaged in a new nuance, namely the hybrid concept. Precisely herein lies the strength of FSTTEKNO 2022 because it is able to attract participants who miss the nuances of offline competitions so that they reach the target of up to 451 participants from various regions in Indonesia. Among them are from Bali, South Sulawesi, East Java, Central Java, West Java, Banten, Jogjakarta.

The Chairperson of the FASTTEKNO 2022 Committee, Zulfikar Horan Daen Rahman, explained that this activity was one of the events carried out by BEM ITB STIKOM Bali with the theme “Shaping The Future With Technology and Experience” and was held for three days on 17-19 May 2022. “FASTTEKNO activities aims to increase the interests and talents as well as the competitive spirit of participants during this pandemic. And as a promotional media to expand the ITB STIKOM Bali network to schools, universities, and the general public on the national level,” said Zulfikar Rahman.

Formation of the FASTTEKNO Committee On February 9, 2022 chaired by Zulfikar Horan Daen Rahman and his deputy Putu Wahyudha Mahayana. The General Technical Meeting (TM) was held on April 21, 2022 by explaining the rules during the competition and continued with the Technical Meeting (TM). ) Finalists who will be held on May 14, 2022 with a discussion on the maturation of regulations at the time of the competition by the FASTTEKNO 2022 committee.
The chairman of the FASTTEKNO 2022 committee, Zulfikar Horan Daen Rahman, revealed that the FASTTEKNO 2022 activity was held on Tuesday (17/05/22) at 08:30 WITA which began with the opening agenda of FASTTEKNO located in the ITB STIKOM Bali Hall which was attended by 242 online and online competition participants. offline and 209 participants of the FASTTEKNO 2022 Webinar online via Zoom.

On the first day of FASTTEKNO 2022, an IT Competition for SMP and SMA/K levels was also held, namely the Ms. Word, Ms. Excel, Ms. Powerpoint and Essay Contest. On the first day, there was also a Quiz Competition which was held offline. For the second day, FASTTEKNO 2022 held online competitions with SMA/K equivalent and General level, accompanied by the final of the Smart Quiz Competition which was held in the ITB STIKOM Bali Hall.
The third day is the last day of FASTTEKNO 2022 activities. Starting with the implementation of a National Seminar filled with two speakers namely Fatwa Arief and also Monez, then accompanied by the closing of FASTTEKNO 2022. The competition held on the third day for the general level is the Mobile Legend tournamnet. After that, the closing ceremony of FASTTEKNO 2022 as well as the announcement of the winners for the competitions in the FASTTEKNO 2022 event.