Denpasar – Monday, August 15 2022, UKM Multimedia has carried out Community Service activities. The activity was carried out at SMAN 1 Selemadeg which is located on Jl. Gelogor, Bajera Selemadeg, Selemadeg District, Tabanan Regency. The theme of this community service activity is “Implementation of Utilization of the Latest Multimedia Technology”. The activity was attended by students of SMAN 1 Selemadeg who are members of the school’s student council.
This community service activity has a series of events starting from the opening with a prayer and singing the Indonesia Raya song, then the committee chairman’s report and remarks from the Deputy Principal of SMA N 1 Selemadeg. Furthermore, we took 2 presenters in this activity, including Mr. Kadek Surya Adi Saputra, S.Kom., M.Kom who is a lecturer at the ITB STIKOM Bali campus by presenting material in session 1 entitled “Creative Design Using Canva Use Increase Digital Literacy”, and continued with session 2 with speaker Ni Luh Putu Sintya Budyawati as General Chairperson of UKM Multimedia by presenting material on Design Practices Using Canva Tools.
Pada sesi 1, Kadek Surya Adi Saputra, S.Kom., M.Kom menjelaskan bahwa literasi digital sangat penting karena memiliki banyak manfaat, salah satunya adalah mampu membuat keputusan yang lebih baik. Banyaknya informasi di internet, membantu kita dalam mencari tahu serta membandingkan sesuatu. Selain itu, Beliau juga menjelaskan mengenai aplikasi Canva yang dapat membantu dalam membuat desain dengan mudah karena baik buruknya desain akan berpengaruh terhadap literasi digital.
Next, session 2 continued with design practice using the Canva application. Ni Luh Putu Sintya Budyawati as the speaker taught the use of the Canva application by making a poster with the theme of Indonesian Independence Day. The participants did practice editing on Canva using their respective cell phones.
The activity starts at 09.30 WITA and ends at 13.00 WITA Not only presenting material on Creative Design Using Canva to Increase Digital Literacy and Design Practice Using Canva Tools, we also hold games with prizes for students. Then proceed with sharing messages and impressions by the participants regarding the activity. After that, it was followed by handing over souvenirs from UKM Multimedia to SMAN 1 Selemadeg in the form of plaques, certificates, and Bitmap Graphic Design books with the Canva Application. Finally, the event was closed with a group photo session (*).