Denpasar-Widya Cipta Dharma College of Informatics and Computer Management (STMIK WICIDA) Samarinda, East Kalimantan collaborates with ITB STIKOM Bali to hold the 2022 Sebatik Multidisciplinary National Seminar (SNSEBATIK) in Bali. This was revealed in a meeting between the Head of STMIK WICIDA Samarinda Dr. H. Nursobah, S.Kom with Vice Chancellor III ITB STIKOM Bali I Made Sarjana, SE, MM at the ITB STIKOM Bali Renon campus, Denpasar last week.
In this meeting STMIK WICIDA and ITB STIKOM Bali agreed to sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for cooperation in the field of Higher Education Tri Dharma. One of the implementations is holding a joint seminar.

This event was also followed through a zoom meeting by a number of STMIK WICIDA Samarinda structural officials. Among others Mr. Ashari as Deputy Chair III for Student Affairs, Mrs. Ita Deputy Chair II for Human Resources and Finance, Mr. Tomy Deputy Chair I, Mr. Salman as Head of the P3M Center, Mrs. Hanifah Ekawati as Head of PJM, Head of AUK Ms. Yunita, Head of Systems Study Program Information from Mrs. Yeni, Head of Informatics Engineering Study Program Mr. Pitra, Wahyuni Pamungkas Head of Informatics Study Program who is currently transforming into a Digital Business Study Program, 2022 SNSEBATIK PIC Mr. Reza and Mr. Pukeng, as IT Support for STMIK WICIDA Samarinda.
In front of the Chairman of STMIK WICIDA Dr. H. Nursobah, S. Kom, Vice Chancellor III ITB STIKOM Bali I Made Bachelor, SE, MM accompanied by the Director of Cooperation, Marketing and Public Relations Dra. Ni Made Astiti,MM.Kom explained about the study programs in ITB STIKOM Bali and their flagship programs. Such as studying while having an online internship in Singapore in collaboration with Lithan EduClaas Singapore, studying while having an internship offline in Japan and studying while working in the UK.
Undergraduate stated, ITB STIKOM Bali has two faculties and five study programs (Prodi), namely the Faculty of Informatics and Computers with three Study Programs, namely Information Systems Study Program, Computer Systems Study Program, and Information Technology Study Program. Another one is the Business and Vocational Faculty with two Study Programs, namely the Digital Business Study Program and the Informatics Management Study Program.
“Initially we were STMIK but since 2019 we have transformed into ITB STIKOM Bali. We hope, we walk together, we can grow up together. We also have two national dual degree programs in collaboration with Binus University Jakarta and STT Bandung. So get an S.Kom degree from ITB STIKOM Bali and a Bachelor of Management (SM) degree from Binus University Jakarta, or S.Kom from ITB STIKOM Bali and a Bachelor of Design (S.Ds) from STT Bandung. Apart from that, we also have an international dual degree program in collaboration with HELP University Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia for the S.Kom degree from ITB STIKOM Bali and BIT from HELP University. For international dual degrees, we only accept 2 classes, one class has 25 students, the lectures are in English,” said Made Sarjana.
On this occasion the Chairman of STMIK WICIDA Samarinda, Dr. H. Nursobah, S.Kom after introducing his staff, then expressed his interest in working with ITB STIKOM Bali because he saw the very rapid development of ITB STIKOM Bali. “Actually, we are 31 years old. So STIKOM Bali calls us sis,” said Nursobah, laughing.
According to Nursobah, in addition to the joint seminar, the next collaboration will be an independent student exchange so that it becomes a new breakthrough for STMIK WICIDA. “Our focus is that we can send students to study for one semester here, study IT while learning English with expats here and learn Balinese culture,” said Nursobah.

Regarding the national seminar at ITB STIKOM Bali, Nursobah explained, SNSEBATIK 2022 is the fifth multidisciplinary national seminar held in the series of the 31st Anniversary of STMIK WiCiDA, in collaboration with various National and International Journal Editors, Modern Education and Computer Science Press (MECS) and Ministry of Law and Human Rights (KEMENKUMHAM). All papers presented at SNSEBATIK this year are no longer published in Proceedings, but in SINTA Accredited Journals, International Journals, National Journals and HKI/IPR (Intellectual Property Rights). SNSEBATIK also opens opportunities for researchers/lecturers to join as invited speakers in this national seminar. SNSEBATIK 2022 was held in 2 seasons, season I was held at IKN (23 May 2022) and season II was held blended offline and online Zoom at the ITB STIKOM Bali Campus, Renon, Denpasar, Saturday, 3 December 2022.
“We agree that SN SEBATIK 2022 will be held at the ITB STIKOM Bali Hall on Saturday, December 3 2022. The participants were around 60 lecturers who attended offline from all over Indonesia and around 70 other participants attended via zoom meeting,” concluded Nursobah, who was present with his two daughters (rsn)