Denpasar – A series of Public Lecture and New Student 2022 ITB STIKOM Bali Jimbaran activities have been carried out on September 26 2022 which was held in the Hall of Lt. IV ITB STIKOM Bali Jimbaran Campus. Hundreds of ITB STIKOM Bali Campus new students took part in this event.
Head of Public Lecture Committee and New Student Friendly 2022 Reinaldy Darasallam explained, this Public Lecture and New Student Friendly 2022 activity is an annual event organized by the STIKOM Jimbaran Student Association (Himas Jimbaran).

This time it carries the theme “Recover Together With New Knowledge For The Future” and is held offline in 2 sessions. The total number of new students registered as participants in this activity was 142 participants with details of 75 participants in the first session and 67 participants in the second session.
With this activity taking place, new students class of 2022 at ITB STIKOM Bali Jimbaran Campus can understand the STIKOM Jimbaran Campus environment and a deeper level of lectures.

“We also hope that this activity can make new students able to interact more among fellow students, lecturers, and staff on campus and of course so that new students are always excited to study at ITB STIKOM Bali,” said Reinaldy.

The Coordinator of the General Lecture and Friendly Events Section for New Students 2022 ITB STIKOM Bali Jimbaran Campus Made Wahyu Saka Putra Pinatih explained, this event lasted for one day, divided into 2 sessions. The first session starts from 07.50 to 13.00 WITA, while the second session starts from 13.10 to 18.10 WITA.

This event ran smoothly and lively in both sessions, this could not be separated from the event which was opened by I Wayan Gede Narayana, S.Kom., M.Kom as the Director of the Jimbaran Campus ITB STIKOM Bali. This event was also marked by the presentation of very useful material from several speakers, namely I Made Marlowe Makaradhwaja Bandem, B.Bus who presented material entitled “The World of Technology from the Cultural Side” and also from an alumni I Gede Arta who presented material entitled “Animation and Industry Animators”.

Don’t forget I Wayan Gede Narayana, S.Kom., M.Kom and I Putu Gede Abdi Sudiatmika, S.Pd., M.Kom who filled out material on campus introductions entitled “Campus and Academic Life Orientation” and Himas Jimbaran Adam Sheni Martua Malau Pase who introduced what the Jimbaran STIKOM Student Association and its community are.

Of course, this event was also lively due to the appearance of SBMC as performers for the entertainment program and the games that had been prepared in such a way by the committee. With the closing of this event by Mr. I Wayan Gede Narayana, S.Kom., M.Kom. as the Director of the Jimbaran ITB STIKOM Bali Campus, the series of Public Lectures and New Student Friendly 2022 ITB STIKOM Bali Jimbaran Campus also ended. (*)