Denpasar – 17 – 24 September 2022 The HIMATOGRAPHY ITB STIKOM Bali Student Activity Unit is holding a National Photo Contest and HIMATOFEST Vol.7 this year. The event which took place at Kulidan Kitchen and Space was located at Banjar Wangbung, Guwang, Kec. Sukawati, Gianyar Regency carries the theme “NIRWANA RAGA” which means from Sanskrit: NirvaNajir literally means “Extinction” or “Extinguishing” which is associated with the meaning of Freedom. Raga means Body. NIRWANA BODY, namely the human way of expressing Freedom. Nirwana is also synonymous with color, by bringing up NIRWANA RAGA as the theme of HIMATOFEST, it means giving art connoisseurs a lot of colors to express themselves.

The series of events for the National Photo Contest and HIMATOFEST Vol.7 started with the opening of registration for the National Photo Contest with the theme “Story of the Archipelago Vol.2” starting on Friday, 01 July 2022 to Sunday, 14 August 2022 which was attended by 160 people from various provinces. in Indonesia and a total of 439 works. The judging of this National Photo Contest was conducted by Mr. Anom Manik Agung on Monday, 22 August 2022 by selecting 3 Champions, 3 Hopeful Champions and 50 best Photo Works which will be exhibited at the National Photo Contest Exhibition and HIMATOFEST Vol.7.

Announcement of the National Photo Contest Winners and the screening of the Top 50 Best Photo Works of the National Photo Contest on Saturday, August 27 2022 was held live streaming on the HIMATOGRAPHY STIKOM Bali Youtube account and also congratulations to the winners of the National Photo Contest from the Chairman of the HIMATOGRAPHY UKM National Photo Contest Committee, namely Made Sudama.

The opening of the HIMATOFEST Vol.7 exhibition with the theme “NIRWANA RAGA” was held on Saturday, September 17 2022. Not only the opening of the exhibition, there was also a Live Mural from the Tungu Community, a Hunting Photo Model from Next Model Bali with talents, namely Ni Putu Lioni Prakasita and Angelina Saputri Ishmael. And it was also enlivened by Live Acoustic from Nadya Safhira and Eternity (UKM SBMC STIKOM Bali), there was also a Screening Film from Funtasticrew and closed by Live DJ from Untitledbeat.

The second day of the HIMATOFEST Vol.7 exhibition with the theme “NIRWANA RAGA” was held on Sunday, September 18 2022. On the second day there was a workshop with the theme “Tips to Improve Your Natural Light for Portrait Photography” organized by Sinar Photo with Mr. Wayan Rodesh as speaker (Founder of Bali Image Photography).

There is also a Hunting Photo Model from Pro Bali Ambassador with talent, namely Ni Luh Ayu Sibang Sri Padmayanti and Putu Indah Astri Dewi. It was also enlivened by Live Acoustic from Artery and Lucknude (UKM SBMC STIKOM Bali) and at the end of the event it was closed with Live Dj from VeeVoo.
The third day to the seventh day of the HIMATOFEST Vol.7 exhibition with the theme “NIRWANA RAGA” will be held Monday – Friday, 19 – 23 September 2022 where the HIMATOFEST Vol.7 exhibition is open free of charge to anyone who visits Kulidan Kitchen & Space.
The eighth day, the highlight or closing of the HIMATOFEST Vol.7 exhibition with the theme “NIRWANA RAGA” was held on Saturday, September 24 2022. At the peak of the event there was a talkshow with the theme “Casual Chatting 1928 Bali Archive Project” organized by HIMATOFEST VOL.7 with the speaker Mr. Marlowe Bandem (Management of the Denpasar Widya Dharma Shanti Foundation and Coordinator of the 1928 Bali Archives).

Also enlivened by a Live Band from Boys Who Cry, Glimpse and Black Cherry (UKM SBMC STIKOM Bali). There were also Contemporary Dance performances from the Pekandelan Agung Art Studio, Theater Performance from the Lingkar Theater. Apart from being enlivened by a Live Band, at the peak of this event there was also Live DJ VeeVoo and Untitledbeat. At the end of the event there was Karaoke Together from BMC Berkaraoke which all visitors to HIMATOFEST Vol.7 could enjoy.
“The National Photo Contest and HIMATOFEST are also supported by Sponsors and Media Partners, including the participation of the Organizers and the Committee who have worked hard to make this event a success,” said Made Sudama as Chair of the Committee. “We would like to thank all the elements and parties who have helped to make the National Photo Contest and HIMATOFEST this year a success.” Dewa Gede Ananta Rahma, Chair of the ITB STIKOM Bali HIMATOGRAPHY UKM (*).