Meaning of Symbol
Institute of Technology and Business

What does this new logo mean?

The new logo of the Institute of Technology and Business (ITB) STIKOM Bali which is a distillation of several processed materials so that it is not only a beautiful logo, but has a deep meaning, so that it can represent the vision and mission of the STIKOM Bali Institute of Technology and Business (ITB) to continue to advance and develop into the best ICT campus in the world. Logo change is an image (visualization) that occurred at the STIKOM Bali Institute of Technology and Business (ITB) in 2013. In addition to the logo, there are also changes to the vision, mission, short-term targets and long-term targets starting in 2013 onwards.

Transformation of the Institute of Technology and Business (ITB) STIKOM Bali Logo
Logo Institute of Technology and Business (ITB) STIKOM Bali – Gear

In several articles about technological developments, “Gear” played a large part in the industrial revolution that brought mankind into the modern era as it is today. Therefore “Gear” symbolizes information technology which is the perspective of the STIKOM Bali Institute of Technology and Business (ITB) to move forward. In addition, “Gear” can also mean the running of institutional activities that continue along with technological developments.

Symbol of the Institute of Technology and Business (ITB) STIKOM Bali – Fire

Fire is an object most often used to symbolize spirit. This burning spirit is expected to provide positive energy to the STIKOM Bali Institute of Technology and Business in providing the best educational services and also spurring the spirit of student competitiveness to achieve maximum achievement. The shape of the distillation flame becomes a neat curved shape. This will create a sense of order and unity with the other elements that make up the logo.

Symbol of the Institute of Technology and Business (ITB) STIKOM Bali – Educational Level

In the world of education there are levels of education that must be completed before they can continue to the next level of education. This journey also takes place in a campus that must continue to grow to be able to provide better service and quality education for its students. As has been done by the Institute of Technology and Business (ITB) STIKOM Bali not only improves the quality of the teaching process, but also branding the campus well so that the “Brand Value” of Stikom Bali increases.

Logo Institute of Technology and Business (ITB) STIKOM Bali – Sash

“Sash” or in Indonesian means “kain selempang”. Sashes are usually used to symbolize awards given to someone because of the achievements that have been achieved. Such as the achievement obtained by the Institute of Technology and Business (ITB) STIKOM Bali as the only ICT Campus in Bali Nusra that is accredited “B” from BAN PT.

The shape of the distillation sash is in tune with the other logo-forming elements so that it becomes a unity in a unique logo.

Logo Institute of Technology and Business (ITB) STIKOM Bali – Flow

The development of information technology is experiencing a very fast development, this requires that all aspects related to this matter must always be updated and follow the latest developments in Information Technology. This is anticipated by the STIKOM Bali Institute of Technology and Business (ITB) by cooperating with various universities at home and abroad. The logo of the Institute of Technology and Business (ITB) STIKOM Bali is composed of logo elements which have a basic shape of soft curves so that they seem to flow flexibly.

Logo Institute of Technology and Business (ITB) STIKOM Bali – First Letter

The first letter of the Institute of Technology and Business (ITB) STIKOM Bali is the letter “S” and was chosen as one of the elements composing the logo of the Institute of Technology and Business (ITB) STIKOM Bali. Apart from the shape of the letter “S” which fits the logo concept, the first letter is generally used as a logo. The shape of the letter “S” is distilled in such a way that it blends with the rest of the logo elements. Even when united with other logo elements this “S” shape becomes a shape that looks different.

Logo Institute of Technology and Business (ITB) STIKOM Bali – Wing

The STIKOM Bali is the wing that allows the student to fly high to achieve his goals. The wings here symbolize that the curriculum prepared by the Institute of Technology and Business (ITB) STIKOM Bali has been studied carefully, so that the courses taught are the appropriate information technology sciences to face the challenges of technological development in the future. For example, the “Double Degree Program”, so that STIKOM Bali graduates have the right knowledge to compete in the global world.

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