Denpasar – Friday (October 07 2022) ITB STIKOM Bali Hindu Dharma Student Union (KMHD) Student Activity Unit has held a National Seminar event with the theme “Cultural Revitalization in Technological Development in the Digital Age”. This activity was held in the ITB STIKOM Bali Renon campus hall for one day involving 400 participants, both those who attended offline and online.
This activity was attended by the Chancellor of ITB Stikom Bali, the campus academic community, BEM, BALMA, ORMAWA and the Hindu Dharma Student Activity Unit Alliance. This activity also invited I Wayan Gede Narayana, S.Kom, M.Kom as moderator. Meanwhile, I Made Marlowe Makaradhwaja Bandem, B.Bus and I Ketut Suanda, S.Sn., M.Sn were invited as resource persons to present material on technology and culture. The total participants who took part in this national seminar were 122 Offline and 309 Online

The series of events begins in the morning at 06.00. Beginning with participant briefing activities, prayers, participant registration and continued with the opening of the event from the Sekar Jagat dance. Furthermore, the committee chairman’s report, remarks from the general chairman of UKM KMHD ITB STIKOM Bali and remarks from the Chancellor of ITB STIKOM Bali Dr. Dadang Herman. After that, the presentation of material from Marlowe Bandem and Ketut Suanda was carried out and the event ended with a group photo of the attendees who came to the UKM KMHD national seminar

The Hindu Dharma Student Unit ITB STIKOM Bali Student Activity Unit also provided mementos in the form of certificates, goodie bags and cash to the jury and door prizes to participants who asked questions. The event was then closed with a thank you from the chairman of the committee as well as the General Chairperson of the ITB Hindu Dharma Student Unity Student Activity Unit representing the entire committee to the participants, moderators and speakers who had participated in the National Seminar event of the Hindu Dharma Student Unity Student Activity Unit ITB STIKOM Bali 2022. (*)