The STIKOM Jimbaran Student Association is again holding a Community Service activity which will be held on June 11 2023 with the theme “Serving by Action, Sharing Knowledge to Build the Country”, on this occasion the event was held at the Khoirul Ummah Orphanage on Jalan Lange IV Pemecutan Klod, West Denpasar District, Denpasar City. By inviting all the orphanage children to this Community Service event which aims to share knowledge that is useful in the future to our brothers and sisters in need.

This activity began at 09.00 WITA and ended at 11.20 WITA and was attended by the Student Affairs and Public Speaking Advisors of ITB STIKOM Bali Jimbaran Campus and Foundation Trustees and children from the Khoirul Ummah Orphanage. This Community Service event began with a joint prayer by the MC, followed by remarks to the invitees and then the essence of this event was sharing sessions of speakers 1 and 2, coloring competitions and counting games.

The sharing session was attended by children at the 4th grade up to college level, with the speaker for sharing session 1, namely sister Jaceline by presenting Public Speaking material, and the speaker for sharing session 2, namely brother Albert Fernando who is also the Chairperson of the Student Association ITB STIKOM Bali Jimbaran by bringing material “Good and Correct Use of Social Media”. In each – each speaker gave a question and answer session to the orphanage children.

Meanwhile, children from Kindergarten to Grade 3 Elementary School took part in a coloring competition and counting games, where in this coloring competition the committee provided paper containing pictures of animals and plants to make coloring easier and also save time. Then in the counting games given math problems ranging from addition, subtraction, multiplication to division.
After all the events were carried out, it came to the end of the event, namely the distribution of prizes starting from the winner of the coloring contest, the winner of the counting games, the best questioner in the speaker’s question and answer session 1 and the best questioner in the speaker’s question and answer session 2. It didn’t stop there that the committee also made donations to the Orphanage Foundation Khoirul Ummah and continued with a group photo with the invitees, orphanage children and all the committee on duty.