Study at the Best ICT Campus in Bali and Nusa Tenggara Region, where all Study Programs are Accredited by B-BAN PT and International ISO 9001: 2018
Starting from the meeting of observers, lovers and practitioners of education, namely Prof. Dr. Made Bandem, MA., (At that time ISI Jogjakarta Rector), Dr. Dadang Hermawan (education practitioner), Drs. Ida Bagus Dharmadiaksa, M.Sc., Ak. (Lecturer) and Drs. Satria Dharma (education practitioner) in 2000 was very concerned about the rapid and dynamic development of information and communication technology (ICT) in the world, including in Indonesia and Bali, but on the other hand, there were no universities in the field of ICT up to undergraduate level.
So on May 20, 2001, the Widya Dharma Shanti Foundation was established which would become a Private Higher Education Organizing Body and then a permit for the establishment of STMIK STIKOM Bali was submitted to the Directorate General of Higher Education, Ministry of National Education. With various efforts and twists and turns in obtaining permits and prayers, then on August 10, 2002 the permit number 157/D/O/2002 was issued with 2 departments/study programs namely Computer Systems (S1 level) and Information Management (D3 level). then in 2009 there was an additional new study program, namely the Information System (S1 level). And in 2019, STMIK STIKOM Bali turned into the Institute of Technology and Business STIKOM Bali, based on the results of a decree from the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education (Kemenristek Dikti) No. 357/KPT/I/2019 regarding the Permit to Change Form to the Institute of Technology and Business STIKOM Bali.
Currently, the Institute of Technology and Business (ITB) STIKOM Bali has become an international standard university that is highly trusted by the community, as evidenced by the number of students currently studying no less than 6,000 and alumni reaching nearly 4,000 (2015). In addition, various collaborations in the field of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education have been carried out with various parties, including government agencies, private institutions / companies, BUMN, BUMD, universities, both domestic and foreign.