Denpasar – ITB STIKOM Bali students have again shocked higher education institutions in the country. The reason is, five entrepreneurial teams of ITB STIKOM Bali students have passed the selection of recipients of funding assistance from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology. Four teams received funding assistance in the 2022 Student Entrepreneurship Development Program (P2MW) and one person on behalf of Mellyta Afifah Erari received funding assistance in the Student Digital Entrepreneurial Innovation (IWDM) program.

For P2MW, only 316 PTN/PTS with 888 groups received funding. This is stated in letter number: 3764/E2/KM.01.01/2022 regarding: Recipients of the 2022 Student Entrepreneurship Development Program (P2MW) which was signed by Sri Gunani Pratiwi, as Plt. Director of Learning and Student Affairs, Directorate General of Higher Education, Research and Technology dated July 14, 2022.

Amazingly, for the IWDM program, only 64 student groups were won from 49 PTN and PTS throughout Indonesia. This is stated in letter number: 4468/E2/KM.01.01/2022, regarding: Recipients of the 2022 Student Digital Entrepreneurial Innovation Assistance (IWDM) signed by Sri Gunani Pratiwi, as Plt. Director of Learning and Student Affairs, Directorate General of Higher Education, Research and Technology, dated August 2, 2022.

Head of the ITB STIKOM Bali Business Incubator (Inbis) Dedy Panji Agustino, S.Kom, M.MSI explained, the four student entrepreneurial teams who received P2WM assistance were Team 1 – LAKONMI with the team leader of Kadek Ariska Prima Duitasastra, students of the class of 2021 and accompanied by Dedy Panji Agustino himself. Team 2 – Rattan Baline was chaired by Lasedayu Putra Cikaton, a student of the class of 2022 and was also accompanied by Dedy Panji Agustino. Team 3 – Toast and Jam of Ngeunah was led by I Gede Dwi Adithya Pradana Wata, a student of class 2021 and accompanied by lecturer I Gede Harsemadi, S.Kom, MT. Team 4 – SetUP Style was led by I Putu Wira Budhi Guna Ariyasa, a class of 2020 student, with assistant lecturer I Made Pasek Pradnyana Wijaya, S.Kom, M.Kom. Meanwhile, a team consisting of only a student on behalf of Mellyta Afifah Erari with the type of business Meidekost under the guidance of lecturer Dedy Panji Agustino, received assistance from the IWDM program.

Panji Agustino added, previously from digital business proposals or student startups that entered Inbis, then it was reviewed again by the Higher Education Proposal Development Team and Internal Reviewers, namely I Gede Bintang Arya Budaya, S.Kom, M.Kom and Gede Indra Raditya Martha, S. .TI, M. Kom.
“There were 15 startup proposals that we received, after being reviewed and by internal reviewers for our assistance, some were rejected because we judged that they were not feasible, so we sent only 11 proposals to the Ministry in Jakarta. Astungkara finally qualified five teams, four teams qualified in P2WM and one person in IWDM. This is an increase in the entrepreneurial spirit of students, because compared to last year, which only passed 4 teams, but in 2022, 5 teams passed. Regarding the value, from the proposals we submitted, the value is Rp. 20 million per business unit,” said Panji Agustino at the ITB STIKOM Bali campus, Renon, Denpasar, Thursday (4/8/2022).

Inbis ITB STIKOM Bali Manager I Gede Bintang Arya Budaya detailed the startups that received the funding. Team 1 – LAKONMI makes handicraft products using knitted materials by combining local materials. For the SetUp Style startup, a student group created a platform to sell clothing products by categorizing clothes based on the latest trends. “So consumers don’t have to think about what style is suitable, but a template has been made according to the current trend,” explained Bintang.
Furthermore, Rattan Baline, which is located in Gianyar, is a handicraft business made by students using rattan material. Lastly, Roti Bakar and Jam Ngeunah are jam and toast products that are visually appealing. Uniquely, students buy fruits from farmers and then they themselves make jam.
Mellyta Afifah Erari with the type of business Meikost explained, the idea of creating this website was inspired by her boarding house in the Panjer area, Denpasar. “There is dishonesty in the cost management. Without the knowledge of the owner of the boarding house, the rent of the boarding house can be increased so that we pay more. In addition, the electricity costs that we have paid, sometimes are not continued to PLN, suddenly we get a bill,” he grumbled.
Therefore, the presence of the Maidekost website is a technology-based one-stop service solution in the boarding house. Maidekost was initiated by Mellyta Afifah Erari with her two colleagues, namely Putu Kristina Putri and Putu Ade Ratmadi Putra in early January 2022 to help provide recommendations to people outside Bali who want to find a boarding house that is comfortable according to their needs, as well as helping boarding house owners manage their boarding houses professionally. “Consumers don’t need to be in contact with the boarding house owner, but enough with us,” said Mellyta.