Denpasar, Tuesday 23 May 2023 Himaprodi Digital Business ITB STIKOM Bali has held a BD Fest event with the theme “IMPROVING YOUR BUSINESS WITH BENEFICIAL IN DIGITAL ERA”. This activity was held in the ITB Stikom Bali Hall. BD Fest is the biggest event organized by Himaprodi BD which consists of two main activities, namely competitions with national and regional categories and national talk shows. As for the competitions that we held in the national category online, namely business plan competitions, essay competitions, photography competitions, poster competitions and regional category competitions which were held offline, namely business pitching competitions.

This activity was attended by the Chancellor and his staff, national talk show participants, business pitching participants and supporters. The total participants who took part in the BD Fest event were recorded as many as 380 participants, with a distribution of 250 national talk show participants and national and regional category competition participants with a total of 130 participants.
The series of events begins in the morning at 07.00 WITA. starting with the committee briefing activities, prayers, registration of participants and continued with the opening of the event by striking the gong by the Chancellor of ITB STIKOM Bali. There was also a national talk show, announcement of online competition winners, introduction of business pitching judges, presentations by business pitching participants, then closed with announcement of business pitching winners, awarding of trophies and photo session with the judges.

In the BD Fest event, the Himaprodi Digital Business also gave mementos in the form of goodie bags to the talk show questioners, certificates to the speakers and the business pitching judges. The event then closed with a thank you from the Head of Digital Business Study Program as the supervisor of the Digital Business Hima Study Program.