Greeting from
Chancellor of the Institute of Technology and Business


Praise our gratitude to God Almighty for all His graces and gifts, so that we can complete the creation of this website. As a form of our responsibility in preparing the next generation who are smart and qualified, we are here with the best system we have. This is a form of our service to students and society at large.

As the First College on the Island of the Gods, of course we will continue to improve the quality of education, research and community service in accordance with the demands and needs of the parties related to us, on the basis of mutual satisfaction, benefit, and not harm.

Our vision to be at the forefront of the field of informatics and computers, both scientifically, academically and practically, both in Bali and Indonesia, as well as in the world in general, clearly requires us to always work hard and always keep up with the dynamics of change and rapid technological developments. learn to open oneself to every element of society, both individuals and groups, or institutions, establish harmonious cooperation with all components of this nation and continue to make innovations, breakthroughs, and activities that will later elevate and enhance the image as a tertiary institution that can be both proud of ourselves and society in general.

To students and prospective students as well as members of the academic community of the Institute of Technology and Business (ITB) STIKOM Bali, we invite and urge “Let us be determined to always learn and work hard, efficiently, effectively and productively. Make the best of your time, be optimistic in facing a future full of challenges, think positively and always follow and monitor changes in any field and more importantly let us use and grow and develop the Institute of Technology and Business (ITB) STIKOM Bali into a platform that can be relied on and be proud of in any way, especially in terms of information technology and computers”.

Happy browsing page after page on this website, may God the most gracious and merciful will always give strength and ability to all of us in order to achieve our dreams and aspirations together. Amen

Greetings and Success

Dr. Dadang Hermawan.

ISO 9001:2015

Inkubator Bisnis

Mikrotik Academy