Denpasar – Bhineka Karya 6 Juwangi High School, Boyolali Regency, Central Java visited ITB STIKOM Bali again. The first visit was made in 2019 before the COVID-19 Pandemic. Monday (3 October 2022) this morning, a group of 83 people consisting of 75 students and 8 accompanying teachers arrived at ITB STIKOM Bali. They were received by the Director of Cooperation, Marketing and Public Relations Dra. Ni Made Astiti, M.Kom representing the Chancellor of ITB STIKOM Bali Dr. Dadang Herman.

The group leader who is also the Head of SMA Bhinneka Karya 6 Boyolali Aris Prastawa, S.Pd said the purpose of the group’s second arrival was to bring students closer to the campus world, especially campuses in the field of information technology such as ITB STIKOM Bali.
“Understandably our children come from remote areas in Boyolali, by seeing this campus first hand who knows they are interested and want to continue their studies here,” said Aris Prastawa.

Aris Prastawa said, apart from visiting ITB STIKOM Bali, the Bhinneka 6 Boyloli High School group consisting of 40 Grade 12 students majoring in Chemistry and 36 students majoring in social studies also visited several tourist attractions in Bali to broaden the students’ horizons.

On this occasion the Director of Cooperation, Marketing and Public Relations Dra. Ni Made Astiti, MM.Kom explained in full the ITB STIKOM Bali Profile, its faculties and study programs, two national degree programs in collaboration with Binus University Jakarta and STT Bandung, two international degree programs in collaboration with HELP University Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, studying while doing an online internship in Singapore in collaboration with Lithan EduClaas Singapore and KIP Lecture scholarship facilities from the government as well as direct scholarships from ITB STIKOM Bali.

Ni Made Astiti’s explanation, especially about the opportunities for students to get KIP Lecture scholarships from the government as well as scholarships from ITB STIKOM Bali and online internship programs in Singapore, apparently sparked students’ curiosity. There were four students who asked Ni Made Astiti to explain this in more detail.
After listening to the presentation, students and teachers were invited to take part in a campus tour by visiting the robotics laboratory, international class, and cultural arts laboratory.
“If students want to learn Balinese arts and culture, are they only Balinese students or are they from outside Bali too?” asked a surprised teacher. “Oh no, cultural arts is a general basic subject that must be taken by all ITB STIKOM Bali students without exception,” answered Wayan Ananta who guided the campus tour.
The Bhinneka Karya 6 Boyolali High School visit ended with a group photo session in front of the ITB STIKOM Bali campus.(rsn)