Denpasar – At least 700 business actors who are members of the Bali Nahdliyin Entrepreneurs Association (HPN) have collaborated with ITB STIKOM Bali for information technology-based business development. The Memorandum of Understanding on the collaboration was signed by the Chairperson of HPN Bali Dr. H. Nurianto RS, SH, MH, MM, MBL and Chancellor of the STIKOM Institute of Technology and Business Dr. Dadang Hermawan, Wednesday, October 12 2022 took place at the ITB STIKOM Bali Renon campus, Denpasar.

Dr. Dadang Hermawan explained, the scope of the collaboration is activities that will be carried out by both parties which include the implementation of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education namely Education, Research and Community Service, the Independent Campus Learning Program (MBKM), the Development of the Company’s Digitalization System, and the development management and Human Resources.
“The leading sector in this collaboration is the Business and Vocational Faculty, which can be in the form of community service to help build websites, develop digital marketing systems, product sales application systems, place student internships, and so on,” said Dadang Hermawan.

According to Dadang Hermawan, this collaboration will be more beneficial economically because through the application system sales can later be monetized so that visitors can get other income, besides product purchases.
“For monetization, you can work together with MBC, this is one of the STIKOM Bali Group business units,” said Dadang Hermawan.

Nurianto stated, the follow-up to today’s signing of the MoU will later be included in a Cooperation Agreement (PKS), apart from the HPN, there will also be business institutions according to their needs. With a note, the business is already a member of the HPN.
Present at this event besides Dadang Hermawan, there was also Vice Chancellor I Ida Bagus Suradarma, SE, M.Sc., Deputy III I Made Sarjana, SE, MM., Dean of the Business and Vocational Faculty Ni Ketut Dewi Ari Jayanti, ST, M. Kom, Head of the Information Technology Study Program I Wayan Ardiyasa, S.Kom, MMSI, Director of Marketing and Public Relations Cooperation Dra. Ni Made Astiti, MM. Kom. Meanwhile, from HPN Bali, apart from Nurianto, there was also Waketum 2 HPN Bali Dr. Indrianto, Deputy Head 1 of HPN Bali H. Mahfud, MA, Secretary of HPN Bali Agus, Treasurer of HPN Bali Nimmi, PC HPN Badung Lilis, and PC HPN Singaraja (rsn)